Birth Keeper

I am a 

A birth keeper is a woman who works independently with other women, free from licensure and certification. If you've found this page, chances are you are aware or suspicious of the medical-industrial complex. 

I work alongside women like you who choose to live and birth outside of the system, or who have already done so and wish to be guided back to themselves after a birth experience that was anything less than empowering. 

woman-lead support for women

What is a Birth Keeper?

Birth is a transformational event at all levels of our human design: physical, spiritual, and emotional. Your whole being is considered when working with me, wether it be for freebirth support, postpartum or perinatal processing, or wanting to learn about birth from the lens of knowing that all women are capable when they walk with knowledge over fear. 

It is a transformation. 

Birth is not medical!

Speak directly to me after a medical birth experience that has left you with shadows of doubt or pain and receive compassionate, empowering support 

Understand your birth rights and be reunited with your divine embodiment of the feminine 

Learn about your capacity to grow, heal, and overcome from someone who actually gets it and can listen to the things you've been afraid to say. 

Learn how to break-up with your provider and put your birth back in your own hands. 

Learn about real, physiological birth with wisdom as old as humanity itself. 

Offer your partner live support during your birth and still experience the hands-off, no intervention birth you've dreamed of. 

...but gaining the confidence to be an advocate for yourself and your baby is a daunting task...

Imagine your ideal birth...


Free Birth

For Birth & Postpartum

Processing Call

You don't have to do this alone anymore. Being free as a woman looks like gathering. Looks like sharing resources, knowledge, and the ancestral wisdom that stitched together communities and regarded the female experience as the magical and divine one that it is. 

Return to the magic 

$197 / 60 min

a deep dive into all the details of your pregnancy or birth experience 

Processing Call 

Our birth story stays with us forever, and many women have not told this story to anyone in its entirety. I am here to hold the container for this story medicine. These calls are for women who: 
  • Gave birth days, weeks, or even years ago
  • Want to process their feelings 
  • Transform any pain you may be feeling into the power that you are divinely entitled to
No corner of your story is off limits. Finally bring to light the things that have been holding you back from your healing in a space that feels safe. 

I trust women. I trust birth. And I trust women to birth where it makes the most sense for them to give birth. Freebirth Support is for;  
  • Women who want hands-off pregnancy support  
  • Women who want support during their unassisted birth 
  • Women who want to access their wisdom 
We all have a unique life experience. I am here to listen to yours and help you remember what is true: Your body knows how to birth. 

Starting at $597

hands-off, all-in pregnancy & birth support

Freebirth Support

Want to see if we're a good fit?

When I was preparing for my second freebirth, I knew I wanted another debrief session with Elissa. 

"I finally felt witnessed"

She helped me so much during a birth trauma session a year prior after my first birth. I finally felt witnessed, which in turn led to a physical healing response in my body.

Elissa is kind, compassionate, respectful, patient, and her personal life experiences are so vast that she will be able to connect with you in true sisterhood no matter who you are or what you’ve experienced.


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I can't believe my growth!

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Gatekeep coloring book raclette, slow-carb wayfarers ugh hexagon asymmetrical sartorial roof party heirloom fam chicharrones distillery.

Kimberly is the best coach!

Vegan health goth kale chips butcher gastropub street art disrupt fanny pack waistcoat. Church-key synth man braid, kitsch listicle waistcoat keffiyeh pour-over gochujang skateboard yuccie raclette. Intelligentsia cornhole banh mi raclette. 


I worked with Elissa for a birth trauma debrief almost four years after my homebirth turned c-section 

"This helped me begin to forgive myself"

I could feel that she understood my experience both because of her own birth experience but also because she has seen the power of physiological birth. She helped me to understand that I was not set up for a physiological birth and that my midwife introduced fear very early on in my labour. I was able to finally see why I made choices that I never wanted to or imagined that I would make (like to go to the hospital), that labor is a very vulnerable place and you need true birth keepers to hold the space. This has helped me to begin to forgive myself for how my son's birth unfolded and begin imagining how it could be different next time. I highly recommend Elissa's services. She is a loving, strong, and wise presence. Thank you Elissa for doing this work!


Gatekeep coloring book raclette, slow-carb wayfarers ugh hexagon asymmetrical sartorial roof party heirloom fam chicharrones distillery.

The best decision I ever made!

Vegan health goth kale chips butcher gastropub street art disrupt fanny pack waistcoat. Church-key synth man braid, kitsch listicle waistcoat keffiyeh pour-over gochujang skateboard yuccie raclette. Intelligentsia cornhole banh mi raclette. 


You've felt something was missing. You've found it. 
Feeling connected to your mind, body, and spirit (and other's that seek the same path) waits for you. 

Sisterhood is calling...